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Puritan Blog

Apr 7, 2016Print this page

Flocked Swab FAQ: Everything to Know About Flocked Swabs

Flock Swab Q&A - welcome to the flock

If you’re reading this, you probably have a good idea of what swabs are, and what they might be used for. But you can always stand to know more. Here are a few popular questions about the world of flocked swabs.

Flocked swab definition

Flocking refers to a process of applying the multi-length fibers to an adhesive-coated surface. Flocked swabs are defined as a swab that features multi-length fibers.

Why use a flocked swab?

A traditional spun-fiber swab isn't always going to collect and elute what you need it to. You would want to use a flocked swab to enhance your sample collection.

These patented specimen collection devices produce superior sample collection, rapid elution, and increased test sensitivity by utilizing innovative fibers with a unique micro-structure. All flocked swabs have definite advantages for a wide range of sample collection applications, especially diagnostic applications that require rapid absorption and complete elution of biological specimens.

What is the secret to Puritan's flocked swabs?

Well, we can't tell you, of course!

While Puritan isn’t the only manufacturer and supplier of flocked swabs, we offer a manufacturing process unlike any other. Our HydraFlock® swab is our high performance product, specifically engineered for a wide range of biological specimens. It's unique three-dimensional microstructure design facilitates greater specimen collection and complete elution unlike any other swab on the market today. 

PurFlock Ultra®'s high purity characteristics make it an ideal flocked swab for PCR, molecular assays, DFA testing, forensic applications, and direct antigen testing. Its uniquely designed fiber structure accounts for better cell yield in the specimen where sample size is limited. 

These proprietary and patented processes allow our flocked swabs to help you collect and retain more specimen than your traditional spun-fiber swab made from cotton, polyester or rayon.

Why should I buy flocked swabs from Puritan?

Simply put, we know flocked swabs inside and out.

Puritan is known in the global diagnostic market for 1. Consistent quality, 2. Repeatable results, and 3. Dependable availability.

We respond to market needs with the highest quality products delivered on time, and use the finest raw materials to achieve optimum sampling. Puritan’s multi-length flock fibers are fully integrated with the shaft, and we eliminate the use of excessive adhesive or fiber treatments that can interfere with collection, ensuring flawless specimen purity. 

What is the best Puritan flocked swab for me?

A: Now, that's totally up to you and your specific sampling needs.

There are multiple tip and handle configurations available with breakpoints located at different lengths along the shaft. The different flock styles are used to collect specimens from a multitude of patient sites.

For example, our ultrafine flock styles are commonly used for nasopharyngeal specimen collection while the micro-ultrafine style is well suited for small cavities and pediatrics. Therefore, the very best Puritan flocked swab is the one that serves your specific needs for optimal collection flexibility. 

We are excited for you to join our flock and we look forward to helping you find the best product for all your specimen collection needs. Want to learn more about flocked swabs? Visit our flocked swab portal today.

 Contact a sales rep, today!

Topics: Flocked Swabs, Diagnostics


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