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Puritan Blog

May 21, 2021Print this page

Why Flocked Swabs Provide Superior Specimen Collection

Best Flocked Swabs for Specimen Collection

Flocked swabs mark the newest evolution of single-use specimen collection devices. Flocking refers to a process of applying (multi length fibers) — called flocking — to an adhesive-coated surface to provide for enhanced sample collection. All flocked swabs have definite advantages for many applications. Here are five reasons Puritan’s patented PurFlock Ultra® and HydraFlock® flocked swabs are a good choice for lab professionals conducting specimen collection.

1. Flocked Swabs Provide Optimum Sampling

Flocked swabs are an excellent choice for use with rapid diagnostic tests because of their ability to better collect cells or organisms at the collection site and rapid release of entire cells. Puritan's PurFlock Ultra® and HydraFlock® flocked swabs have been patented for their unique manufacturing process which allows for much higher sample yield.

2. Enhanced Diagnostic Sensitivity

The patented flocked technology turns each strand of fiber into a velvet-like brush and hence creates hundreds of thousand contact points for superior collection and release of specimen samples. The increased number of target cells (compared to non-flocked swabs) help to improve sensitivity of rapid diagnostic tests.

3. Rapid Elution

Puritan’s PurFlock Ultra® and HydraFlock® flocked swabs are fully integrated with the handle (meaning they contain no inner fabric or other inner core to absorb the specimen), a larger amount of specimen is collected and retained. Not only does this provide for better sample yield, it also allows a more rapid and complete release of the sample into liquid media.

Looking for more? Compare PurFlock Ultra® toHydraFlock® here

4. Proprietary Multi-Length Flock Fibers

Puritan isn’t the only medical products supplier to offer flocked swabs. But we are the only company that makes PurFlock Ultra® and HydraFlock® swabs with proprietary multi-length flock fibers. Puritan’s proprietary multi-length flock fibers create a web-like structure that collects and retains more specimen than traditional cotton, polyester or rayon swabs.

Looking to compare swab tip materials? Check out this guide. 

5. Convenient Handling and Transport

Our PurFlock Ultra® and HydraFlock® flocked swabs are available with pre-molded breakpoints, with printed indicators, so you can easily break the handle before attaching the cap to the vial. Sterile PurFlock Ultra® and HydraFlock® swabs are available in dry transport tubes and medium filled transport tubes. After sampling, simply replace the top portion of the tube for trouble-free transport. Click the image below to request a free sample, or contact us to learn more.  

Contact a sales rep, today!

Topics: Flocked Swabs, Diagnostics


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